Monday, April 13, 2009

Kiely's Side Load Bucket, Blue Ford Tractor. Learning Is So Fun!

This is just a small movie of Kiely, the first time she drove the Ford tractor. I'd say, even if I wasn't her mom... she did a great job cleaning pens. I think the clutch is hard to get used to. She's been driving a tractor on her own since she was about 9. Kiely had been driving the golf cart with her dog when she was about 5 and the golf cart had only one speed, FAST! She couldn't even reach the pedals. Of course, the only person, animal...brave enough to ride with her was "Little" our blue Queensland Heeler. If there was an extra seat on this tractor "Little Dog" would be up on the tractor with Kiely. Who broke the axle of the golf cart, trying to pull a steer?

I think Little has actually ridden in the bucket. I know this video is old, her hair has turned a bit EMO lately and she drives the tractor like a "Pro" now. Hahahaha Kiely, I got you! If you want me out of your blog you need to hide your password. I love you! Mom

I KNOW you are going to be upset with your mother (me) putting up a video of when you were a freshman in high school. Remember this video and I was yelling at you to look at me? Same ol' picture fight! All you wanted right then... was on the tractor "right now," so you could start learning to use the bucket. You're my tuff CowGirl. Rock n Roll!


Susan said...

So, I know you haven't seen this. Don't get nuts! But promise you will tell me when you go out to play with Sahara. You won't even know I'm there. Promise! lymi mom